Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Fresh New Start

Sorry to get you all excited, but this is NOT a blog post! I just thought I would start off the year with a little fill-you-in, and what to expect in 2013. 

The past 4 months I have been trying to find myself and get away from all of the madness in my life. Now its February, and I think I have finally found a place where I am happy, healthy and focussed on a fresh new start.

I have been away from this blog for about 1/3 of a year now. Even without posting anything, I am hearing from so many people worldwide via Facebook, Twitter, email and through your comments and views. I know I always say this, but I always mean it..THANK YOU! It means the world to me that you take your time to read my blog and send me messages. It makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the world to know that I am helping people and that they are enjoying reading about the highs and lows of my life. I cannot thank you enough.

Also, isn't the new blog template AMAZING? My cousin Kayla made it for me! I think the new Life Through Nathan's Eyes looks amazing and I am so happy with how it looks. Tell me what you think!

Even though I haven't blogged in awhile, I didn't stop writing. I kept a small journal by my side through the 4 months that I was away. I felt like I needed some space and  I needed to be private about some of the topics that I wrote about.

I will be taking a year off and returning in early 2014. I'm very sad to say this, but please keep on spreading the word about my blog. Again, I would like to thank everybody around the world that has found out about my blog and have kept on reading. I'll keep you guys informed on what I'm doing though my Twitter.

Have a great year, and I'll see you all soon.
xx Nathan



  2. SO glad to hear that your back, I was worried that you were not going to come back! My pals over here love your blog! Also, great new theme! So fresh!! Cheers

    Simon F - UK

  3. Whoa!! The site looks amazing Nathan! I like this theme so much better and I know that this blog will just keep getting bigger Hope you are doing well and send my best to your family

  4. your such a hottie :* luv ur writing (:

  5. Glad you enjoy February. My whole life is a living hell though, so lucky you.

    "It's a blessing and a curse"

